(803) 603-4700



Sometimes you find yourself alone when you least expect it—suddenly left behind. The previous long horizon of plans and dreams abruptly disappears. All seems to halt against the harsh vacuum of absence. It seems the only reliable companion is ones shadow, no matter how small that sliver. It is tempting to lose oneself in the endless internal dialogue of recrimination, loneliness, and the unfairness of it all.

Unless, that is, one begins to truly absorb the solace of quiet open space. Fascinating how emptiness and loss becomes the crucible of creation, but only through fully letting go of what was. There exists outside the personal internal dialogue of static an entire landscape of possibility. Martin A. Singer in The Untethered Soul wisely notes, “True personal growth is about transcending the part of you that is not okay and needs protection.” This kind of personal growth involves the willingness to reimagine a future not previously envisioned but none-the-less filled with yet to be discovered possibility.

So, the move into letting go and reimagining

Cobblestoning (v.) Something Together

Cobblestone is not really a verb, but if it were it might describe the act of carefully crafting together naturally rounded stones larger than a pebble and smaller than a boulder to pave a path that makes the journey easier and the traveler more sure footed than on the unprepared path. It takes many individual cobblestones (n.) to manifest smooth travel, and even then, the surface is uneven and filled with bumpy unexpected alterations and imperfections. Single stones placed without care or precision makes for a very unsettling ride. None-the-less, what is certain is the natural beauty of the imperfect path designed to invite companions in the journey. It is never wise to go it alone into new territory so new companions must be discovered and a natural, carefully designed space provided for them.

Brick and Mortar

So what does the “brick and mortar” of building a personal growth counseling practice look like. It definitely transcends actual location and building. A carefully constructed setting and stable foundation is priceless to create the stage for a peaceful journey into Self.

But how does personal growth happen in the context of the current technologies and virtual relationships? My vision is of a naturally comfortable but carefully constructed face-to-face opportunity for deep reflection and conversation—very retro in the age of social media, blogs, tweeting, word counts, and texting. In fact, Wayne Johnson in the May 2017 edition of The Atlantic Monthly states the following about the third most significant fad of all time, texting: “It has, in one fell swoop, removed face-to-face conversations between humans and transformed them into letters, digits, and mindless emoticons.”

The Challenge: To craft a path between technology and the deep wisdom of personal relationship that respects and embraces both as fellow companions on the journey to deeper understanding of self and others.

The Personal Growth Therapist

And what about me, the personal growth therapist in the process of growing more fully into her Self? I am a work in progress. But I like the way I am taking shape. After all, personal growth includes many incarnations.


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embrace the journey

I would be honored to embark on this journey with you toward wellness and personal growth.


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Wateree Counseling Boutique
Ridgeway, South Carolina 29130


Additional Location:
Donna W. Upchurch, Ph.D.
1401 1/2 Calhoun Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201