Aug 5, 2017 | Personal Growth
the night journey The Night Journey Research indicates that we all dream whether or not we remember our dreams on waking. Remaining open to the wisdom of the dream is the challenge. We are prone to say, “I know exactly what that was about”, or “That was strange, I...
Jul 5, 2017 | Personal Growth
name Name The Wateree River, and by extension Lake Wateree, is named for one of the most powerful Native American tribes inhabiting central South Carolina as far back as the time of the Spanish settlements at Santa Elena in the late 1560s. The name is thought to come...
Jun 5, 2017 | Personal Growth
place PlaceIt feels like nesting, this reimagining and creating a new definition and environment for my practice. I find myself mirrored in it. I see now what had not previously been visible even in my imagination. I find myself integrating that reflection back...
May 5, 2017 | Personal Growth
reimagining Reimagining Sometimes you find yourself alone when you least expect it—suddenly left behind. The previous long horizon of plans and dreams abruptly disappears. All seems to halt against the harsh vacuum of absence. It seems the only reliable companion is...