about me
About me
For many years I have enjoyed offering individual, couple, and family therapy in both Columbia and Camden, SC with the goal of resolution of relationship, behavioral, and emotional distress. My focus continues to be on counseling in depth to improve personal adjustment in the external world as well as to resolve intrapsychic conflict in the internal world.
- Relationship counseling includes relationship to self as well as to others.
- Couples counseling includes coupling at all life stages and with all types of couples.

Also new is my location between Ridgeway and Camden SC at my home office on Lake Wateree (west/Lugoff side). Accessing me in my new space requires a journey out of the city through sparsely developed countryside. Exercising some imagination, one might think of it like the journey of the ancients to reach the special, unique destination that contains the possibility for personal healing and growth. Intentional effort is required.
Donna W. Upchurch, PhD
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Advanced Practice Nurse

Licenses & Education
Donna W. Upchurch, PhD
APRN SC #4010; Utah #13567681-4405
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist SC #187
Clinical Specialist in Adult Psychiatry, Board Certified #0098089
Ph.D. in Counseling from the University of South Carolina
M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of South Carolina
B.S. in Nursing from Duke University
- Graduate of the Jungian Psychotherapy Program at the C.G. Jung Institute of Chicago
- Completion of training in Embodied Dream Imagery with Robert Bosnak, PsyA and Jill Fischer, PsyA, APRN, IAAP
- Jungian Summer Seminar in Switzerland
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Qualifying Program
- Advanced Program in Dream Tending with Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., Pacifica Graduate Institute
Years of Experience: 40
embrace the journey
I would be honored to embark on this journey with you toward wellness and personal growth.